
Asbestos Inspections

Massachusetts Licensed

A licensed professional is able to survey areas for asbestos and perform post-abatement inspections to ensure your space is people safe. Asbestos Inspector and Asbestos Project Monitor services are available.

 Air Quality TEsting

What’s in your Air?

Massachusetts requires an Asbestos Project Monitor to perform air quality testing after asbestos abatement work. Insight has a good track record working with abatement crews to successfully clear work sites for inhabitants’ safety.

The firm is experienced working with residential, commercial, and educational facilities. We can also identify and assess mold in environments using best practices testing protocols.

Mold Inspections

Identify & remediate

Mold is present throughout our ecosystem. Ideally, we want indoor air levels to fall in line with or measure clearer than our outside environment.

Insight is able to employ techniques such as air testing and bulk sampling to identify what is present in your area and advise on remediation options.